Biochemical identification of bacteria: oxidase test
- Format: 12 Vial
- Code: TN1517
- Technology: Culture media and ISO confirmation tests
- Application: Food/Water microbiology
- Tag/Filter: Microbiological indicators,Pseudomonas
This test enables presumptive identification of certain Gram-negative bacteria producing cytochrome oxidase enzyme (e.g. Neisseria, Pseudomonas and Aeromonas). In the presence of cytochrome oxidase, the colorless reagent forms a blue compound. Enterobacteriaceae are oxidase negative. Dissolve the contents of one bottle in 2 ml sterile distilled water put 2-3 drops of dissolved Oxidase Reagent onto a piece of filter paper. Triturate some colony material on the prepared filter paper using a plastic inoculating loop: in a positive reaction a dark blue to violet coloration appears within 60 seconds
- Format: 12 Vial
- Code: TN1517
- Technology: Culture media and ISO confirmation tests
- Application: Food/Water microbiology
- Tag/Filter: Microbiological indicators,Pseudomonas