MODIfinder Real-Time PCR GM Cotton COT-102 detection kit (UID SYN-IR102-7)
- Format: 50 Tests
- Code: PGT11A-50
- Technology: Real-Time PCR
- Application: GMO detection
- Tag/Filter: Cotton
This Real-Time PCR kit allows for the detection of GM cotton COT-102 in food and feed DNA extracts. The kit was developed according to the experimental design of the EU reference laboratory (see https://gmo-crl.jrc.ec.europa.eu/gmomethods/). The kit was validated at Generon to verify it matches the tech specs reported in the validation dossier of the EU reference laboratory.
- Format: 50 Tests
- Code: PGT11A-50
- Technology: Real-Time PCR
- Application: GMO detection
- Tag/Filter: Cotton