QuickStix – strip tests for the rapid detection of GM cotton
- Format: Catalogo
- Code: GX0123
- Technology: Lateral flow
- Application: GMO detection
- Tag/Filter: Cotton
Generon can provide you the most complete portfolio for GMO rapid testing thanks to the collaboration with our partner EnviroLogix. The QuickStix are immunochemical tests based on lateral-flow technology, the same used in personal pregnancy test or now on rapid coronavirus testing. In few minutes QuickStix enable the detection in field-samples of proteins typically used in GM plants. Tests are developed for detecting: proteins (e.g. Epsps, Pat, Bar) providing resistance to erbicides (e.g. Glyphosate); proteins providing resistance to pest insects (e.g. Cry); proteins providing agronomical advantages. Diverse kits are available either to monitor the presence of trace contaminations of GM seed in bulk grain lots or to verify if a single seed or a plant is a GMO. Download the file below to see all the tests available for cotton.
- Format: Catalogo
- Code: GX0123
- Technology: Lateral flow
- Application: GMO detection
- Tag/Filter: Cotton